Tuesday, October 28, 2008


General: These are social bottom dwelling fish which inhabit the bottom of the tank. Most loaches have tiny spines directly underneath their eyes.

Housing: The tank should contain plenty of rocks, and plants as they like to hide during the day. Maintain good filtration and frequent partial water. Water movement via power filters or a powerhead is enjoyed. Many loaches will jump so maintain a tight cover. Temperature 76-82 degree.

Feed a variety of flakes, small pellets, frozen and freeze-dried foods. Sinking catfish pellets are recommended. Live or frozen bloodworms are readily accepted.

Tank Mates: Most loaches will get along with other fish of similar size. Some are territorial, but do not cause trouble. Many of them are more active and night, and like to hide during the day.

Snail Control:
Clown loaches and botias will eat small snails.


Red Irian Rainbowfish grows to 6" Glossolepis incisus Also called the Salmon Red Rainbowfish because of its color. A beautiful red fish. Dominant male displays a magnificent red, other males are reddish brown. Females are silvery with some yellow. A peaceful schooling fish, Adults should have a tank of 70 gal. or more.
Australian Rainbowfish (Splendid Rainbowfish) grows to 3.5" Melanotaenia splendida. Active and hardy. Fits in a wide variety of community tanks. Male is more colorful. If you keep a group of these fish you can often mix them with bigger fish. Tank size should be 55 gallon or more There are 5 subspecies of this species.

Rainbowfish are indigenous to Africa, Australia, and other South Asian Islands. They inhabit streams, creeks, lakes, and brackish waters.
Rainbowfish are normally very active fish, and are often very hardy. They fit well in many community tanks. Many new species of Rainbowfish have been imported recently. The popularity of Rainbowfish has increased greatly over the past 5 years and Elmer's generally maintains several tanks of these fish.

Most are omnivorous. They will accept numerous foods including flakes, freeze-dried foods, frozen and live brine shrimp and bloodworms. We like to feed Tetra Color Bits to maintain good color. We also use HBH Rainbow Color Food. Feed twice a day.

Water Conditions:
Depending on the species, pH requirements can vary from 6.5 to 8.0 and temperatures should be maintained between 72-82
°F. Some species do best with some salt in the water. (about 1 tablespoon per 5 gallon.). Good filtration and regular partial water changes are important.

Housing: Include live or plastic plants toward the back with an open swimming area in the front. They do not harm live plants. Most require tanks of at least 30 gallons. They look best with a dark background. They swim in the middle and upper water layers. They are lively and do not hide.

How Many to buy? Most are schooling fish and look best in groups of 5 or more.

Tankmates: One way to keep them is to maintain a species tank of rainbowfish only. In a species tank they will often show their best color and behavior. Try 3 or 4 different species with 6 of each type. Rainbowfish also mix well in many community tanks. Keep them with other active fish of similar size. Good tank mates may include mollies, swordtails, gouramis, sharks rasboras, corydorase cats, and barbs. They often do well with peaceful Cichlids (such as Kribensis, and Geophagus Jurapari)

Males and Females
: In most cases the males are more colorful. Best kept in groups with mixed sexes.


Most Danios are very hardy, excellent aquarium fish. They are members of the Cyprinidae family, which includes barbs, sharks and rasboras.. Their native habitat is Southwest Asia where they often inhabit swift moving streams. We normally stock several species of danios.

General Care of Danios

Hobbyist Level: Most danios are very hardy and are good choices for beginners

Housing: They do well in planted tanks and like to swim in groups It is best to purchase them in groups of 4 or more. The more swimming room they have the better they look. (Temp 72-80)(pH- 6.8-7.6)

Tankmates: Keep them with other active fish of similar size. Some good tankmates include mollies, swordtails, black tetras, bloodfin tetras, rasboras, gouramis, white clouds, barbs, corydoras catfish, They like to swim in groups. They are not aggressive but their quick movements can intimidate shy, slow moving fish.

The giant danio is very active and can be mixed with larger fish. Keep them in groups and you can mix them with larger gouramis, barbs, severum cichlids, kribenis cichlids, and other mild-mannered cichlids.

Feeding Danios will accept a wide variety of foods. Feed flakes, bloodworms, small pellets, Feed small amounts 2-3 times a day.

Breeding: Danios are easy to breed. Males chase the female and they scatter eggs among plants.

Natural Range; Southeat Asia. All of the danios we sell are domestically bred.


The freshwater Angelfish is a very popular tropical fish because of its unique shape and because of their interesting personalities. Angelfish are aggressive eaters and will go to the top of the tank when they see you approach. Because of their aggressive feeding habits, make sure that your less aggressive fish are getting their share around feeding time.

Angel fish are curious about their environment and can become very territorial, especially around breeding time. They will pair off and if any other fish tries to enter their territory they will go after them.

They are not picky eaters. They will go after many types of fish food, including vitamin enriched flakes, frozen, freeze dried and live foods.

They prefer tall tanks over short tanks because of their tall body shape.

Scientific Name : Pterophyllum scalare

Common Names : Albino, Black, Gold, Silver, Marbeled Angelfish, Koi Angelfish, etc - seems there is a common name for each color variety.

Angelfish Care Level : Easy

Size : Up to 6 inches (15 cm)

pH : 6 - 7.5

Temperature : 74°F - 84°F (23°C - 29°C)

Water Hardness : 5° to 13° dH

Lifespan : 8 - 10 years

Origin / Habitat : Amazon River

Temperament / Behavior : Generally peaceful, but can be aggressive eaters and may become territorial while breeding.

Tank Size : 20 gallon minimum, prefer tall aquariums

Compatible Tank Mates : Jump to profiles of fish that could potentially be kept with this fish:
Pleco,Blue Gurami,Dwarf Gurami, Larger Tetras, Bala Shark

Angelfish Disease : Diagnose, Symptoms and Treatment

Diet / Fish Food : Usually very good eaters, they will take flakes, pellets, freeze dried (blood worms,Brine Shrimp) and especially live foods.

Tank Region : Middle

Gender : There are no visible differences between the male and female. Only at spawing will you be able to tell the male from the female. A female has a round "tear-drop" shaped breeding tube and a male has a cone shaped breeding tube.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Gold Fish PICS

funny pics

cichilds-gold servrmus

Common Name:
Other Name:
Banded Cichlid, Eye-Spot Cichlid, Hero, Hero Cichlid.
Scientific Name:
Heros severus.
South American.
Rio Orinoco and its Colombian and Venezuelan basins; Rio Amazonas basin; Rio Negro in Brazil and Venezuela.
Approx 8 inches.
They are omnivores that will do well on a diet consisting of standard cichlid fare, which is supplemented by greens, especially shelled peas and Romaine lettuce.
Water Temperature:
75-82 degrees Fahrenheit (24-28 degrees Celsius); breeding pairs might need a temp in the mid-to-upper 80s Fahrenheit.
Water Chemistry:
Somewhat soft (dH 2-6). Fish with higher F-numbers can be acclimated to a wider range of water conditions.
6-6.8, although they may be acclimated to water of a higher pH and might thrive in water of a lower pH.
10+ years.
These are (generally greenish or silver) ovular cichlids that are laterally compressed like the discus. They may have extensive banding in wild forms but some captive-bred specimens of artificial morphs are without said bands, as are most wild-caught adults (who are left with one stripe from the original eight or nine). A large black spot on the anal fin appears to be adjacent to this stripe. The scales on the lateral surfaces of the fish are often accented by brown-red dots. As these fish age, they become black-blotched in the region of the lateral line. Their irises also change to a red coloration. The finnage of the Severum is more similar to that of a fish from the now-defunct genus Acara than to those of the genus Symphysodon.
These are generally peaceable community tank residents, but do best with medium to large non-aggressive fishes. Some Sevs break this tendency, though, and will attack pretty much any tank mate. They are prone to attacking tank mates during the spawning ritual. 

These have a largely deserved reputation for skittishness, though the acclimation period will help to alleviate that behaviour, as will good cover among the decor of the tank.
Sexing severums can be difficult unless you know what to look for. Males are generally larger and broader in the chest that females. The male also has more prominent facial markings than females. Unlike many cichlids the male doesn't have longer anal or dorsal fins. The safest way to get a pair is to use the method used for Oscars, add around 6 and watch for them to pair up. While we may encounter difficulties sexing them, severums never have this problem.
Arbitrarily selected pairs may not be compatible, so the standard "pairing off" process would be a better bet. Also, there is evidence that these fish may be more receptive to spawning when placed in a group, which consists of a single male and several females. Many commercial breeders keep monogamous pairs separated by clear dividers and allow them to spawn by releasing gametes into the water.

Severums lay up to 1000 eggs on flat surfaces in the tank and exhibit signs of delayed mouth brooding. (Not all pairs will participate in this activity.) Those that do will periodically release their fry to feed on zooplanktonic live foods.
Note Only TRUE Heros Severus are delayed mouth brooder.
Though these are generally non-aggressive fish, they may wreak havoc on a community tank when the spawning instinct kicks in. Target fish may, however, be beneficial as they might induce a stronger pair bond.
Minimum recommended tank size :
45 gallons.
Natural Conditions
Deep, still waters, often broken up by submerged trees.
Though many sites list a slew of junior synonyms for the Severum, FishBase only lists Cichlasoma severum. Since Heros has been split into multiple species, many of those other junior synonyms have either reverted to proper names or become junior synonyms for the other three species in Heros.

Severums are one of the two species that are hybridised to form the Blood Parrot and one of the three species hybridised to form the Jellybean Cichlid. (They comprise 50% of the genetic material of the BPs and 25% of the genetic material for the JBC.)